Use of Spare Parts in Determining Compensation by the Insurer. Part 2


The article discusses the issue of the use of spare parts in motor vehicles when determining compensation by insurers under a liability contract. In this context, the principles of restoring the vehicle to its condition from before the incident
are important, in particular, taking into account the classification of spare and original parts. What matters here is the condition and value of the vehicle before the damage, and the impact of using different types of variable parts on restoring the vehicle to such value and such condition. The article focuses on the problem of the liquidation of actual damage – that is, damage to the vehicle – under a liability contract. First of all, it draws attention to the practices used in vehicle repair. The main idea here is to illustrate the actions of insurers directed at underestimating the cost of repairing the vehicle and using parts that will not in every case lead to restoration of the vehicle to its pre-accident condition. Such practices – definitely undesirable from the point of view of the injured party – have been critically evaluated. At the same time, the court practice in this regard, as well as the ways in which insurers
can defend themselves in court, are pointed out.


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