The aim of the article is to present the current legal status in the European Union system in the field of responding to serious cross-border health threats. The article focuses on organizational issues, describing the objectives, tasks and compe- tences of the Health Security Committee as a key body in the field of coordination of planning, prevention of serious cross-border threats to health. This body, previously established by the Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 has been substantially reorganized and equipped with additional competences. Its activities have been linked to other European Union institutions, namely the Committee on Serious Cross-border Health Threats, Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, and the Health Crisis Board and the Health Task Force. However, technical issues related to the functioning of reference laboratories and the digital surveillance platform, as well as issues related to creation of national and EU plans for prevention, preparedness and response, were omitted in the document.
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