Acknowledgement of paternity and determination of its ineffectiveness by a man aware from the outset of the absence of a biological bond with his child. Part 1


The leading issue in this article is the legal nature of the recognition of paternity by a man who is aware from the outset of the lack of a biological bond with the child. As a consequence of recognizing that it is a statement of knowledge, it is necessary to consider whether, in the analyzed situation, a man could lose his legitimacy to bring an action to establish the ineffectiveness of recognition; if not, whether the mechanism for assessing his request pursuant to Art. 5 of the Civil Code is admissible. According to the author, in such cases, it is the principle of the best interests of the child, and not the principle of biological truth that should be given primacy.
In addition, the introduction of Article 78(1) to the Polish Family and Guardianship Code [k.r.o.], giving rise to a request to determine the ineffectiveness of recognition, does not close the man from seeking to establish the non-existence of paternity in the event of other defects in the declaration, or even its failure to submit.


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