This paper presents an outline of the title issue together with the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court regarding the resolution of legal questions that raise serious doubts. The article deals with one of the specific remedies at law – a complaint to the Supreme
Court, and therefore not brought before the ordinary court. The legislator has provided for a very narrow range of rulings that can be challenged by this complaint, which is understandable, as the Supreme Court is an extraordinary court to which strictly de-
fined measures (in addition to this complaint, primarily a cassation complaint, a complaint for declaration of illegality of a final decision and an extraordinary complaint) can be filed. This entails a strictly defined (very narrow) catalogue of decisions that may be
challenged by complaint to the Supreme Court. Due to the specific nature of the complaint in question, a number of questions arise, starting with which court the formal and fiscal requirements are to be examined. Therefore, the article discusses the current
solutions for this remedy at law and presents solutions that should be introduced to remove the existing doubts and flaws.
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