Resolutions of the Supreme Court in Civil Cases – introduction to research


The legal basis for issuing a resolution of an abstract (general) nature is Art. 83 § 1 of the Act of December 8, 2017 on the Supreme Court according to which, if the jurisprudence of common courts, military courts or the Supreme Court reveals discrepancies in the interpretation of legal provisions being the basis for their adjudication, the First President The Supreme Court or the President of the Supreme Court may, in order to ensure uniformity of case law, submit a request for resolution of a legal issue to the Supreme Court
composed of 7 judges or another appropriate composition, i.e. the entire Chamber, two or more Chambers, or the full composition of the Supreme Court. The resolution of a given issue must be abstract, i.e. detached from the realities of a specific case, although a specific issue usually arises in connection with doubts occurring in a specific case. A resolution of the Supreme Court, which is a legal principle or has binding force in a specific case as a preliminary ruling, is a special type of legal norm, which, however, is not created in the legislative process, and therefore does not have the characteristics of a source of law. The legal issue resolved by the resolution or the interpretation given are intended primarily to obtain a statement from the Supreme Court when authorized entities find such a need, supported, of course, by submitting an appropriate application in an appropriate form. This may happen if it is found that different courts or individual panels of the Supreme Court make different judgments in similar factual and legal situations. The discussed power of the Supreme Court is a kind of judicial supervision of the Supreme Court over the jurisprudence of common courts (but also the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court). It must therefore be assessed in connection with Article 1 of the Act on the Supreme Court and the tasks and position of the Supreme Court designated therein.


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