The development of new technologies and globalization influence the digitization of many areas of the economy. Technologies based on artificial intelligence are changing the world even more profoundly than other technological innovations, and the
impact of artificial intelligence systems on the surrounding socio-economic realities seems to be the most significant, but at the same time it poses certain threats. In the case of the financial market, artificial intelligence systems are increasingly used as
they lead to the emergence of new business models, applications, products or processes by modifying the way financial services are provided as part of the operations of financial institutions. Many analyzes indicate that artificial intelligence will positively affect economic growth and may be perceived as a new production factor, but it must not be forgotten that the use of new technologies, including solutions based on artificial intelligence, may create for the institutions of the financial sector as well as for their customers many risks and threats. New technologies become the subject of many heated social, economic and political
discussions, which is ultimately reflected in the activities of the legislator and in attempts to regulate them legally. This means that the issue of legal regulation of human activity with the use of modern technologies is becoming an important issue. The aim of the publication is to analyze the impact of new technologies, especially artificial intelligence systems, on financial markets in the context of potential related risks. The analysis covers the available sources: scientific articles, professional literature and legal acts regarding the use of artificial intelligence systems by financial markets. The work is a review, it uses the literature and legal acts on AI systems
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