Societies Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic


The article deals with the COVID-19 pandemic and the reaction of society to this situation. Each country is distinguished by its own tradition, culture and worldview. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, part of the world community is unable to cope with the pandemic reality, sees conspiracy theories and officially speaks about the hypocrisy of national governments and international organizations such as the European Union or the United Nations. The aim of the article is to diagnose the attitude towards the restrictions introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. The specific aim is to identify differences in the views of legally and culturally different societies. The article deals with the topic of conspiracy theories that have been talked about since the beginning of the COVID-19 occurrence. The author focused her attention on Belgium, Kuwait and Poland. The article deals with the topic of conspiracy theories that have been talked about since the beginning of the COVID-19 occurrence.
The author posed the following research questions: Do members of society trust in their government? Do the origin, age and education influence the observance of restrictions introduced by the government? A survey was used to find answers to these questions. By means of analysis of the answers from the questionnaires, discrepancies were diagnosed among the answers
of the respondents. In the event of a global crisis and threat, some communities lose confidence in the government and allow the possibility of international conspiracies. People fearing for their own lives depart from logical thinking and are susceptible to suggestions.


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