Reduction of the Weekly Working Time in Poland Against the Background of Selected European Solutions


The article attempts to analyse the most important assumptions of the draft bill to establish a 35-hour working week in Poland, referred by the Left MPs to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland in September 2022. In particular, the legislative changes planned in
the Labour Code are presented and transitional provisions are indicated, which assume a gradual reduction of the weekly working time standard in Poland. In addition, the most important social and economic effects of the Act are characterised and the new
powers of the State Labour Inspectorate are presented. The article also contains a reference to selected countries of the European Union, in which the weekly working time is being reduced. Statistical data on the average number of hours actually worked per year
by an employee and the average number of weekly hours worked at the main job by an employee – in Poland, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and Iceland – are analysed.


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