Concentration of trial material in separate proceedings in business (commercial) cases does not follow the general rules provided for in Articles 2053(2) and (3) of the Code of Civil Procedure and Article 20512 of the Code of Civil Procedure, but in accordance with
the rules described in Article 4585 of the Code of Civil Procedure, introducing a specific system of evidence preclusion, mitigated by elements of the judge’s discretionary power. In Articles 45810–45811 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the legislator introduced evi-
dentiary limitations and prohibitions, which, combined with the new institution of an evidentiary agreement in Article 4589 of the Code of Civil Procedure, is an expression of the principle of disposition – in formal terms – in business proceedings. After sever-
al years of application of the referenced provisions, it can be hypothesized that, at the very least, Article 4589 of the Code of Civil Procedure has proven to be unnecessary and should be repealed, as parties are not willing to enter into evidentiary agreements, while other provisions of this section, such as Articles 45810 and 45811 of the Code of Civil Procedure. are interpreted and applied in a way that distorts their meaning – which certainly does not contribute to the efficiency of business proceedings; and therefore, the
legislator should think about clarifying them in terms of salvatory clauses or removing them from the Code of Civil Procedure. Despite the amendment of the provisions of the separate proceedings by the Act of 9 March 2023, the legislator has not decided to correct them, while these provisions raise numerous interpretative doubts and require further improvement – which is discussed in more detail in the article in Part 2, along with the proposal of certain solutions.
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