The article is intended to introduce the nature of the liability for damages that arises as a result of the entry into force of the regulations Limited Use Area (LUA) around the airport. The jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and common courts is
dominated by the jurisprudence, according to which liability for damages should be broadly understood, i.e. cover the effects of restrictions on the use of specific real estate included in the act of local law on the opening of the LUA around the airport, as well as the negative impact resulting from the establishment of the LUA around an airport, which is a consequence of excessive aviation noise. Representatives of the legal doctrine and some courts, however, take the position that property owners may only seek compensation from the airport managing body for specific restrictions on the use of the property, which are based on Art. 129 sec. 2 of the Environmental Protection Law. The author of the article supports the first of the above positions, noting that the harmful event in the case of a claim for the purchase of real estate or its part, referred to in Art. 129 sec. 1 of the Environmental Protection Law is the enactment of an act of local law containing restrictions on the manner of using the property or its intended use in the current way. Contrary to the claim for redemption, the provision of Art. 129 sec. 2 of the Environmental Protection Law Act, it does not require proving that, as a result of the establishment of the LUA, there has been a restriction in the manner of using the property in the current manner. This means that the harmful event is the creation of the LUA itself, which leads to the legalization of
aviation noise within the LUA and deprives the owners of real estate located with- in the LUA of claims based on general provisions of civil law, such as the negative claim under Art. 222 § 2 of the Civil Code and a claim for damages based on Art. 435
of the Civil Code.
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