Activities of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities to Strengthen Local Democracy in the Context of Election Monitoring


The Autor in this article analyzes the activities of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities to strengthen local democracy in the context of election monitoring. Pointing to the importance of the Council of Europe in this area and using the examples of observation missions, he tries to assess the effectiveness of the impact of the Congress in this regard TO the member states OF the CoE. The analysis shows that the Council of Europe made available the appropriate instruments to support democratic electoral processes in the member states. The example of Albania, the Netherlands, Turkey or Georgia only confirms that the participation of observation missions is undoubtedly of fundamental importance in detecting any irregularities and tracking the progress in their removal. It was confirmed, inter alia, that promoting local democracy through participation in election observation is undoubtedly an important element of the activities of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. This serves both to strengthen selfgovernance in the member states of the Council of Europe and to maintain good relations with local and regional authorities, and finally to recognize the correctness of the election process, and in particular to confirm its freedom and fairness, AT THE SAME TIME following the principle that local government opens the way for local communities to participate in the exercise of power.


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