German Reparations for World War II – an Overlooked Argument


Statements issued on the occasion of the signing of the 2+4 Treaty committed Germany to regulating the payment of benefits to individual war victims in bilateral interstate agreements. The September 1990 agreement between the U.S., Britain and France and West Germany upheld provisions that Germany could not make any claims for lost (confiscated) property – including that seized by Poland in the socalled western and northern territories; in the Unification Treaty (1990) Germany renounced territorial claims against other states and pledged not to make them in the future. To date, no German-Polish agreement on these issues has emerged. There is also no information about initiatives on the Polish side containing a draft of such an act. This inaction is surprising. Analyses of the right to compensation, reparations, etc. from the Germans overlook the fact that it was only in 1955 that
Poland formally declared that it was not at war with Germany. Formally, therefore, all actions of the Polish side against Germany up to that time would have to be judged as having been undertaken in a state of war – which cannot but affect their evaluation. The attitude of the Germans to the issue of compensatory liability for war losses caused by their conduct may also have a historical-psychological source.
As it seems, the historical genotype of Germans has not been purged of elements of tribal (cultural) superiority to “eastern societies”. The notion that Poland’s war damage has already been accounted for is firmly rooted in the German consciousness
and has been passed down from generation to generation. It can be combated not only with precise calculations, but also with arguments demonstrating the difference in categories: “territorial conquests”, “war reparations”, “compensations” and
“redress”. This is well reflected in the words of the former Polish ambassador in Berlin: “The main problem in our relations, in my opinion, is a kind of sense of superiority of the Germans towards the Poles. It has been building up for a long time, culminating probably in the time of Bismarck and it is still present in various forms”.


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