This paper presents an outline of the title issue together with the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court regarding the resolution of legal questions that raise serious doubts. Power of attorney is a widely used legal construct, however, its detailed characteristics
raise difficulties in the doctrine and jurisprudence of the courts. One of the issues is the assessment of the admissibility of the reservation in the power of attorney to file a cas- sation appeal that the power of attorney is valid for the duration of the employment relationship between the principal and the attorney. In some judgments of the Polish Supreme Court, one can find the opinion that such a reservation is admissible, however, it is necessary to examine whether the authorization to act in the case still exists at the time when the attorney performs individual procedural actions. Other judgments pointed to the general inadmissibility of the reservation in question due to its conditional character. There is a view in the doctrine that such a reservation is admissible, however, article 94 § 1 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure should be applicable by analogy. A detailed assessment of the issue should take into account the nature of the power of attorney, the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure and the interests of justice.
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